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Farewell, Internet Explorer.

BUS (The Boiler Upgrade Scheme)

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme, also known as BUS (previously referred to as the Clean Heat Grant) is the latest iteration of the Government’s financial support of low carbon heating. This scheme is designed to help attain the UK’s net zero emissions target by 2050 by making low carbon technologies more affordable to install by reducing the upfront cost .

Homeowners in England and Wales are encourged to upgrade their current fossil fuelled boiler heating and hot water systems to more energy-efficient heat pumps in an effort to decarbonise their home’s heating, i.e by modernising with a heat pump.

The scheme is expected to run until 2028, and has been earmarked a budget of £450 million over the three years as part of an almost £4bn strategy to help cut carbon emissions.

You can find out more about BUS here.